Introduction to Purity Woods

I’m so excited to introduce to my audience an amazing brand, Purity Woods. As you all know, I am not a traditional influencer, but when I find products that work seamlessly with my brand that I truly love and have thoroughly researched and tested…. I gotta share the good news! I make my own patented formulas of oils and creams designed to complement FasciaBlasting for gorgeous, radiant skin. But the missing piece of the puzzle, for me, was the skin’s surface piece.
From a very personal standpoint, I am a surfer, and I’m constantly in the sun. I am freckly and have sun damage, and when I hit menopause, I began to get little dry spots, almost like little scabs. I have lasered them off, done a chemical peel, and tried the “expensive brown spot” creams that make you peel like Freddy Krueger.
Then, I was introduced to Purity Woods at an incredible online event hosted by The Art of Anti-Aging called The Live Long & THRIVE Summit. I have been addicted to the Dream Cream ever since. I have always been into completely natural solutions, and this cream checks all the boxes. And it really works on my sun damage and the little dry spots - gone! So I reached out to the founder, Brian, and told him we HAD to partner and let me get this product into the hands of my #FasciaBlaster Fam. Come to find out, he’s a huge fan of FasciaBlasting and we agreed that this could be awesome for everyone. If you use the Dream Cream and FasciaBlaster products, use the Dream Cream last. Do your FasciaBlaster routine with the Blaster Oil. Wipe slightly. Then, use the Dream Cream and let it soak in.
I asked Brian to write a guest blog to explain their product fully, and here it is below! And here is a quick link to my new clean beauty obsession.
Nature’s 10 Most Effective Ingredients
For your youngest-looking skin

Ready to unlock your healthiest, youngest-looking skin in decades (without resorting to painful, expensive, and potentially dangerous injections or surgeries)? It is possible! How? You can naturally achieve a youthful appearance by nurturing facial fascia through consistent fascial massage and using clean skincare products made with healthy, non-toxic ingredients.
Facial fascia, or the connective tissue beneath the skin's surface, is pivotal in supporting skin elasticity, muscle tone, and overall facial structure. You can learn more about how to nourish your facial fascia best here. Fascia plays a role in stem cell distribution in the skin, surface capillary plumping, collagen and elastin production, and hyaluronic acid distribution. You can read the full blog here. But at the end of the day, these techniques can nourish from the inside, but we need amazing topicals to nourish from the outside.
Now, to understand which skincare products qualify as “healthy and non-toxic,” it’s important first to remember a basic principle: You are what you eat. This is true of the foods you feed your body through your mouth and of the foods you feed your skin and body topically.

And make no mistake—when it comes to skincare product ingredients, what you apply to your skin is largely consumed by your skin and body, which is why you need to be so selective in what you choose! The bottom line is, just like the foods you choose to put in your mouth, if you want to look and feel like junk food, feed your skin non-organic, synthetic, and toxic ingredients that are so prevalent in inexpensive and expensive luxury skincare products today. However, chances are you are reading this because you want the smoothest, firmest, healthiest, and youngest-looking skin possible (and to feel your best and avoid serious health issues while you’re at it), right?
In this case, you are definitely in the right place.
So, before we get to the 10 most effective ingredients for feeding your skin, here is something important you need to know to avoid premature aging and serious potential health problems.
Why USDA-Certified Organic is so important today

Whether you are feeding it to your body through your mouth or skin, synthetic ingredients, pesticides, and other agricultural chemicals can be sources of hormone-disrupting, cancer-causing, reproductive-toxic chemicals. (And in the case of skincare products, many contain penetration enhancers designed to make chemicals infiltrate your skin more deeply… which means they’re designed to suck those toxins into your body more aggressively. YIKES!) This is one reason why choosing skincare products – and foods whenever possible -- with the USDA Certified Organic label is so important. The closer to nature that anything you feed your body through your skin or mouth is, the better for you and the planet.
However, please BEWARE of getting bamboozled by words like “organic” and “wild-crafted” and other natural-sounding words in promotions and on labels, especially regarding skincare products. If it doesn’t actually show the USDA Certified Organic seal (or the independent scrutinization/certification equivalent in other countries), be very cautious and take a very close look at their ingredients label.

Words like “organic” are thrown about very loosely today to trick people into buying… even though, when you look closely at the label, they may only contain a very small portion of the total ingredients that are actually organic. In fact, they can slap “organic” on the front label even if just one product is organic while ALL the rest are synthetic and toxic! How can they get away with it? Well, claims such as “wild-crafted,” “non-toxic,” “plant-based,” and “free of” are not really regulated – in the cosmetics industry especially – nor do they have legal definitions.
Your “natural” beauty cream may contain cancer-causing petrochemicals, for instance (as was revealed in 40 percent of such products in one study[i]), and it’s all perfectly legal. Even stating “organic” isn’t a guarantee of safety, as these “poser organic” products do not have to meet actual USDA organic standards, which are rigorous, and only a select number of cosmetics companies have actually achieved this status. If you want to be sure you’re getting only the good stuff for your skin (and nothing else), only the USDA Certified Organic seal (or its equivalent in other countries, such as ECOCERT in France) can guarantee this.
If a product is USDA Certified Organic, it means it:
• Contains at least 95 percent true organic ingredients
• The remaining 5 percent of ingredients are on an approved safe and nontoxic list
• Even the natural ingredients must be raised free of synthetic additives, including pesticides, chemical fertilizers, petrochemicals, and dyes.
• Was not processed using industrial solvents or irradiation
• Is free of genetically modified organisms (non-GMO)
In other words, it means that independent of any claims the company makes for itself, the product has been proven organic in terms of both the ingredients used and how they were raised on the farm. USDA Certified Organic standards prohibit the use of sewage sludge, synthetic fertilizers, and genetic engineering and require producers to maintain the integrity of organic crops, preventing contact between organic and conventionally grown crops and contact with prohibited pesticides and fertilizers.[ii] The bottom line here?
Because toxic and synthetic ingredients and byproducts can contribute to early aging -- and, worse, they may be carcinogenic and disruptive to hormones --- it’s more important than ever to care about high organic standards for whatever you put into your body, whether it’s through your mouth or skin!
Nature’s Top 10 Most Effective Anti-Aging Ingredients To Use on Your Skin

Here’s a wonderful thing about your skin…No matter how old you are or what issues you may have, your skin may be THE #1 easiest thing you can improve on your body. Your skin is highly receptive to positive change. Of course, the artificial and toxic ingredients in MOST anti-aging and other skin products today are not the “positive change” your skin needs.
Living things do not thrive on synthetic things, after all.
Meanwhile, as always, nature knows what it is doing, and it does provide. And on that note, below and based on research are 10 of nature’s most powerful ingredients to feed your skin. They’re presented in countdown style to the big #1. However, it must be noted that there is some subjectivity with any list like this. Everyone’s skin shares many similarities, but each person’s skin – and what they would like to improve with their skin -- is also unique. As such, certain ingredients may rank higher for you personally. With that said, these ingredients were chosen for their effectiveness and the range of benefits they provide. Again, though, comes the big caveat. Please ensure that whatever products you choose that provide these ingredients are USDA Certified Organic (or your country’s equivalent.)
After reviewing the ingredients below, please visit Purity Woods and read about the #1 bestselling USDA Certified Organic Age-Defying Dream Cream.

I started Purity Woods with my wife, Iwona, a cosmetologist because we couldn’t find effective, independently certified, organic, safe skin care products. We’ve quickly grown into one of the most successful organic skincare lines because of our commitment to providing THE safest and most effective skincare products. Therefore, I hope you’ll personally try the Age-Defying Dream Cream to experience how fast and well it works.
Either way, though, onto those healthy ingredients your skin finds absolutely delicious…
10. Camelia Seed Oil
(Camelia Oleifera)

Also known as the oil-seed camelia and tea oil camelia, this remarkable oil comes from cold-pressing the seeds of camelia oleifera, a flowering evergreen shrub native to Asia that the Japanese call Tsubaki, or “rose of winter.” Camelia seed oil has a molecular structure and weight similar to that of the skin’s natural oil, so it is absorbed deeply into the skin.
Rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, camelia seed oil is excellent for moisturizing skin helping to achieve velvety smoothness. It’s also loaded with nutrients that strongly support a youthful glow and combat signs of aging. Camelia seed oil is particularly rich in squalene, an important part of the skin’s hydration system. It helps protect skin against external environmental elements and the “old-looking” skin they can otherwise cause.
The bottom line is that Camelia Oleifera is one of the best-kept Eastern skin secrets… and now you are in on the secret!
9. Cocoa Seed Butter
(Theobroma Cacao)

Hey, if it comes from the same plant as chocolate – the Cacao tree – it’s got to be good, right? And this classic skincare ingredient truly is. Cocoa seed butter is rich in natural compounds that promote soft, supple, and radiant-looking skin.
It is high in oleic acids, linoleic acid, palmitoleic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin K, which can reduce the appearance of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. Cocoa seed butter is also high in stearic acid, which can actually help eliminate dirt, sweat, and excess sebum from the skin. It contains compounds that can help lock moisture into the skin… tighten the skin… enhance the skin’s appearance of brightness… and even support healthy inflammation in the skin.
The bottom line is that your skin loves cocoa seed butter as much as your mouth loves chocolate!
8. Astaxanthin Extract

Exposing ourselves to too much sun over the years can get us in trouble, just like exposing ourselves too much in other ways can also get us trouble (not that I’d know that personally, mind you.) In fact, one of the biggest reasons skin can look wrinkled, weathered, and otherwise “old” is because of excess sun over the years.
Enter the superstar ingredient called astaxanthin.
Astaxanthin comes from certain marine plants and animals (astaxanthin sourced from organic algae is most recommended). It’s a highly effective “carotenoid,” an antioxidant that provides superior protection for skin. It has very powerful blocking properties against the sun’s UV rays. This supports the skin in combating photoaging and that “weathered look”, such as the appearance of dark spots and wrinkles from sun-related damage.
Clinical studies have also shown that astaxanthin helps with elasticity, skin moisture, and moisture retention, promoting skin smoothness while decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
7. Sunflower Seed Oil
(Helianthus Annuus)

Sunflower oil, prized for centuries by Native Americans, is rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant powerhouse that can also ward off damage caused by overexposure to the sun. Moreover, sunflower seed oil contains beneficial linoleic acid — even more than olive oil — with skin barrier-enhancing properties.[i] Sunflower seed oil is so good for your skin that when adult volunteers applied six drops of sunflower seed oil to their forearms twice a day for five weeks, they had improved integrity of the outer layer of their skin and improved hydration.[ii]
If you’re looking for the ultimate hydrator for your skin, sunflower seed oil fits the bill.
6. Mango Seed Butter
(Mangifera Indica)

Mango butter, which can be cold-pressed from the seed, has absolutely exceptional skin-enhancing effects. Rich in vitamin C, mango seed butter can help to enhance collagen synthesis for smoother, plumper, and brighter-looking skin while acting as a protective factor against sun damage. Mango seed butter provides supreme moisturizing and soothing benefits. It provides your skin with abundant antioxidants and vitamins, including vitamin A, known for smoothing the appearance of fine lines.
Fun fact: In India, the mango tree is a sacred symbol of love, and some believe that it can even grant wishes. If your wish is for younger-looking skin, at least, it certainly and literally delivers!
5. Aloe Vera Juice
(Aloe Barbadensis)

If you have an aloe vera plant at home, cut off a leaf and scoop the gel inside.
Applying this vitamin- and enzyme-rich gel to your skin may help with exfoliation and has powerful anti-inflammatory and soothing effects (it’s great for anti-aging and, as many already know, also great for cuts and other skin wounds.) It has also been shown to significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles and boost elasticity in human skin.
Interestingly, research showed that consuming aloe gel can also be beneficial because it may increase collagen production and decrease the collagen-degrading MMP-1 gene expression. Researchers went so far as to say, “[O]ral aloe gel supplementation may be a novel anti-aging strategy that prevents and repairs cutaneous [skin] photoaging.”[iii]
NOTE: Aloe vera can have a laxative effect when taken internally, so start with a very small amount to avoid any… ahem… surprises.
4. Camu Camu Extract
(Myrciaria Dubia)

Camu camu is fun to say, but that’s the least of its benefits. It’s a low-growing shrub that grows near rivers in the western and central Amazon basin in South America, and its berries are even more of a nutrition powerhouse for you than the famed açai berry. Camu camu is a rich source of polyphenols, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, stilbenes, and lignans. With a higher phenolic and vitamin C content than many other tropical fruits, camu camu is bursting with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power.[iv]
Because of this, applying camu camu extract to your skin may provide a range of powerful antiaging benefits, such as lightening the appearance of dark spots, smoothing the appearance of wrinkles, and evening out your complexion. The high concentration of vitamin C in camu camu is a powerful way to stimulate collagen production and supports antioxidant protection against photodamage from the sun.[v] Along with the amazing benefits of applying it to your skin, also note that eating camu camu has shown strong potential to help with weight loss, protect the liver from injury and prevent immune-related disease.
As noted in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine:[vi] “[T]here is a pressing need to increase the visibility of natural products such as camu camu to point to their potential benefits in populations that are not only aging but also experiencing the negative effect of inflammatory and oxidative conditions.”
It can be eaten or applied topically to the skin; whatever products you use that contain Camu Camu, make 100% certain they are USDA Certified Organic to ensure purity.
3. German Chamomile Extract
(Chamomilla Recutita)

Chamomilla recutita (Matricaria), also known as German chamomile, is not just another pretty flower.
This natural plant has impressive antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects, to say the least.[vii]While chamomile tea and extracts may be useful for dampening systemic inflammation, chamomile applied to the skin penetrates below the surface to the deeper layers[viii]. It has a soothing, anti-inflammatory effect that helps to calm dry or irritated skin areas.
It’s also excellent for promoting the appearance of tighter and healthier “plump-looking” skin.
2. Indian Gooseberry Extract
(Phyllanthus Emblica)

Indian gooseberry is a medicinal plant long used in ayurvedic systems of medicine to restore lost vitality and vigor.[ix]
Ayurvedic texts consider Indian gooseberry a Rasayana, a compound ideal for longevity and rejuvenation.
And science is showing that is precisely the case.
Indian gooseberry is a very rich source of vitamin C, amino acids, minerals, and phenolic compounds – all reasons why it’s so beneficial to apply to your skin.
Indian gooseberry stimulates pro-collagen (a precursor of collagen)[x] while protecting your skin from sun damage, helping to prevent dark spots and wrinkles.[xi]
It’s also known for shrinking and unclogging your pores, producing a fresher, smoother skin appearance.
1. Maple Leaf Extract
(Acer Rubrum, Acer Saccharum, Acer Pennsylvanicum)

Native Americans long treasured maple leaves for their healing properties. Modern science is finally catching up and seems to be in total agreement. New research shows that maple leaf extracts may be amongst the closest things we have on earth to a real fountain of youth!
You see, it turns out that maple leaves are packed with phenolic compounds that can boost elastin and may restore the look of youth to your skin better than anything else out there. When researchers looked in detail at red maple leaves, they found 106 such compounds, including 11 that may have never been discovered before and 75 that weren’t known to exist in red maple until now.[xii]

Now, perhaps THE key reason skin can increasingly look wrinkled, saggy, and otherwise “old” is because the elastin in the skin that maintains skin’s elasticity increasingly breaks down. Well, certain glucitol-core-containing “gallotanins” in maple leaves were even found to inhibit this breakdown of elastin in the skin. At the same time, they may also fight skin inflammation and lighten age spots.[xiii]
The researchers described them as having the potential to tighten skin like a plant-based Botox and with just topical application — not an injection.[xiv]
If You Love Your Skin and Want These 10 Top Ingredients for YOUR Youngest-Looking Skin...
Okay, so you now know 10 of the planet’s most powerful research-based natural ingredients that each provide a range of different benefits and that, in total, add up to your youngest and healthiest-looking skin.
Up to now, though, it would have been quite the challenge to find most of these.
(Especially given that, as you now also know, it is so important only to choose USDA Certified Organic versions of these ingredients, and really USDA Certified Organic versions of anything you put on or into your body today!) And even if you could find them, it would be an enormous hassle to apply some, much less all of them, to your skin… and it would cost hundreds of dollars on a monthly basis, which is beyond impractical. That’s why here at Purity Woods -- once we had done our research on the planet’s genuinely most effective anti-aging ingredients for skin – we set out to provide you the planet’s MOST effective solution to restore the appearance of youth to your skin…
The Age-Defying Dream Cream

YES, Purity Wood’s Age-Defying Dream Cream provides all 10 of the top natural anti-aging ingredients for the skin you discovered above. In fact, it provides you all 10 PLUS over 15 additional top USDA Certified Organic ingredients!
YES, Purity Wood’s Age-Defying Dream Cream is USDA Certified Organic, a true rarity among skincare products
And YES, as you can imagine, it was a very long and painstaking process to be able to bring you this natural wonder (I could fill another 50 pages with just how challenging it was, but I’ll spare you that :-))

However, there is where you’re going to be quite pleasantly surprised!
So, head here now to learn more about The Age-Defying Dream Cream.
Cited Works
[i] Pediatr Dermatol. 2009 Nov-Dec;26(6):669-75.
[ii] Pediatr Dermatol. 2013 Jan-Feb;30(1):42-50.
[iii] Ann Dermatol. 2009 Feb; 21(1): 6–11.
[iv] J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Jan 1; 21(1): 8–14.
[v] Nutrients. 2017 Aug; 9(8): 866.
[vi] J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Jan 1; 21(1): 8–14.
[vii] Electron Physician. 2016 Sep; 8(9): 3024–3031.
[viii] Mol Med Report. 2010 Nov 1; 3(6): 895–901.
[ix] J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol. 2010;21(1):93-105.
[x] J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Sep 2;119(1):53-7.
[xi] J Cosmet Sci. 2011 Jan-Feb;62(1):49-56.
[xii] Nutraingredients-USA August 23, 2018
[xiii] Science Daily August 20, 2018
[xiv] American Chemical Society August 20, 2018
* The Fasciablaster tools have not been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of any disease
Authored by

Brian Vaszily, the author of this article, founded an organic, clean skincare brand, Purity Woods, to research and promote the healthiest and most effective products to support beauty and wellness, inside and out. Purity Woods’ Age-Defying Dream Cream provides you with all 10 of the top natural, anti-aging ingredients for skin that are all USDA Certified Organic. And it’s a cruelty-free formula that is NEVER tested on animals.